Who did say Cannabis is only for smoking? To prove it today I teach you to prepare the fantastic and delicious chocolate chips Marjiuana Cookies!
These crispy and fragrant biscuits are the perfect snack to enjoy the unmistakable taste of chocolate combined with the relaxing effects of Cannabis.
Before trying your hand with pots and stoves, remember that the effects given by edible Cannabis are not the same as the inhaled one. Yes, because the active ingredients, THC and CBD, if ingested through the edible can have effects even after an hour! That's why you should never exceed with the quantities and follow the recommended dosages.
Now you’re ready to test yourself in the kitchen.
The most suitable choice of grass
The choice of ingredients is fundamental in the kitchen and even Cannabis has no exceptions.
Follow your taste and choose the variety you like most in combination with the chocolate of our biscuits: if you want a more exotic taste take into consideration the Critical Mango or Passion Fruit, If the combination of citrus and chocolate drives you crazy, then Lemon Haze or Orange Bud is your case. But there are many other options like Banana Og, Strawberry Cough, Blueberry Kush and Sweet Pink Grapefruit.
Choosed the strain, now it’s time to prepare the main ingredient of the recipe: Cannabis butter, the one that will give the desired exciting effect to our cookies.
To obtain butter it is necessary to proceed with the decarboxylation of cannabis, a process that makes the active ingredients THC and CBD bioavailable to the organism.
Follow carefully the procedure described so as not to make mistakes.
Ingredients for Cannabis butter
15 grams of inflorescences per 200 grams of butter.
250 ml of water (plus 50 ml per hour of cooking)
Preparation of cannabis butter
Put the previously chopped ropes (if you want use a grinder) on a baking tray, bake at a temperature between 103 and 114 C for 30/40 minutes and then let them cool completely at the air.
The next step is to introduce cannabinoids into a fat substance because of their fat-solubility. Heat the water and, just before it reaches the boiling point, add the butter cut into pieces and let it melt. Also add Cannabis and keep simmering for at least 1 hour, and if you want to get the maximum results from your butter continue for up to 6 hours.
Remember never to boil the product, the risk is to ruin everything!
Once cooked, filter the mixture with a clean gauze or a strainer with fine mesh, arrange it in a container and let it cool at the air. Only when it’s warm, put it in the refrigerator.
After a couple of hours you will notice that on the surface you will have created a dark liquid, clearly separated from the butter, which should be discarded. Keep the butter in an airtight jar inside the refrigerator.
Now we have everything we need to prepare Cannabis and Chocolate Cookies.
Ingredients for Chocolate Cannabis Cookies
200 grams of flour
100gr of brown sugar or white sugar (sugar is your choice, but it is good to know that the cane one offers caramelized notes, even more if integral)
1 medium egg at room temperature
110 grams of cannabis butter at room temperature
200 grams of chocolate chips (milk or dark)
1 teaspoon baking soda
5 grams of chemical yeast powder
1 pinch of salt
Preparation of cannabis cookies with chocolate chips
Turn on the oven in ventilated mode at 180 º so that it will be ready when you have finished with the cookies preparation.
Mix the butter softened at room temperature with the sugar, beat the eggs with a whisk and add them little by little to the mixture, so that they are incorporated. If you have a mixer you can use it at a moderate speed.
Aside sifted flour, add them to baking soda and salt.
Join the two compounds, taking care not to create lumps. You will have to get a rather dense and firm consistency and finally add the chocolate chips while stirring gently.
Prepare a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place the dough balls of the same size (about 30 gr each) and well spaced between them (this is because the biscuits in cooking widen and tend to join if they are not spaced sufficiently).
Bake for 12/15 minutes and when you take them out of the oven you will notice that they will be very soft, but do not worry because they will harden once cooled.
Now the delicious ganja cookies are ready to be eaten.
